Ever experienced pain in your elbow? Does it make life difficult for you by interfering with your daily chores?
Well, it could be the tennis elbow, generally known as pain on the outer side of the elbow. In medical terms, it is called lateral epicondylitis or extensor tendinopathy. It is usually caused by inflammation, degeneration, or injury to the tendon of the wrist extensor muscles (muscles at the back of the wrist) as they insert into the outer aspect of the elbow (the lateral epicondyle). I wondered how it could affect you, as you are not a tennis player? It is usually seen in tennis players. However, other sports and recreational activities can trigger this condition. It can also be triggered by any action that creates a repetitive strain on the wrist extensors over some time (chronic) or by a sudden force on the muscle group (acute). Once chronic, it can be tough to treat, so an early diagnosis and management are essential.
As per a recent study, the annual incidence of tennis elbow is one to three percent in the United States. However, tennis players make up only 10 percent of the total patient population.
Identifying tennis elbow symptoms
The main symptom is pain 1-2 cm below the lateral epicondyle (the area of the bony prominence on the outside of the elbow). Associated weakness in the muscles around the forearm and wrist can be noted, causing difficulty performing simple tasks. For example, opening door handles, wringing clothes, lifting or gripping objects, or shaking hands may become difficult. Your health care provider, a doctor, or a therapist may perform a series of assessments to aid in diagnosing tennis elbow.
The most common test is straightening the bent (flexed) wrist against resistance, thus reproducing severe pain in the lateral epicondyle area in the elbow.
Treating Tennis Elbow
The first line of treatment for tennis elbow reduces pain symptoms and inflammation by applying ice/cold therapy and rest. Then gradually increase the load to a point where normal activities can be resumed.
- Protect: Wear a specialized elbow brace that reduces strain on the injured tendon. This also helps in speedy recovery.
- Rest: Rest is essential as the continued use of a painful elbow will make it a chronic case, and thus recovery will be slower than usual.
- Ice and compression: In the initial 72 hours after injury (acute), apply cold compression for a maximum of 15 minutes at a stretch.
- Medications: Your medical provider may prescribe medications like Ibuprofen.
- Therapy: Various therapeutic modalities and treatment forms may also be helpful, such as acupuncture, electrotherapy with ultrasound, Botox injections, etc.
- Massage: A good massage along the affected/injured tendon may be beneficial.
- Exercises: Both stretching and strengthening exercises are equally important. Of note, the exercises should be initiated after the initial presenting pain has subsided.
Therapy is one of the most potent and common answers to your tennis elbow pain. If no conservative treatment can help with the symptoms of tennis elbow, then you may consider seeing your health care provider for possible scheduling of surgery. No time to visit a physical therapist? You can opt for online physical therapy at your own convenience