Do you all know love handles deposition fat in waistline? Or you may call them “muffin-top” waist. But this lovely name has associated cardiac risk or risk of diabetes hidden behind. European Society of Cardiology says individuals with normal weight but having concentrated “central” obesity are greater than 50 percent more likely to die from all causes, compared to those who are obese, as per a fourteen years-long study.

What causes them?

  • •Stress
  • •Unhealthy food
  • •Sedentary lifestyle
  • •Lack of exercise
  • •Lack of sleep

Exercises that can help

1.Board-touch trunk flexion

  • •Stand with feet apart
  • •Place a board in between feet
  • •Touch the board with the left hand and keep your head and upper body turned to the right while inhaling.
  • •Come back to the neutral position while exhaling
  • •Repeat on the other side
  • •Repeat 10 times for each side

2.Lateral trunk flexion with weights

  • •Take dumbbells in both hands (4-10 pounds each)
  • •Side bend to the right and hold position for 10 seconds
  • •Come back to neutral and continue the same for the other side as well
  • •Repeat 10 times for each side

3.Trunk twisting with arm flexion

  • •Hold a dumbbell with both hands and lift your arm in front to shoulder level
  • •Twist to the right, and hold the position for 5 seconds
  • •Come back to neutral and then twist to left
  • •Repeat 20 times for each side

4.Straight leg raise (side-lying)

  • •Lie down on the right side
  • •Raise the left leg straight up and hold the position for 10 seconds
  • •Bring back to neutral, rest for 5 seconds, and repeat
  • •Repeat 10 times for each side

5.Bicycle crunches

  • •Lie flat with knees folded and hands behind head
  • •Lift right leg and try to touch the knee with left elbow
  • •Alternate the sides (cycling motion of the legs)
  • •Repeat 25 times for each side


  • •Lie down on your belly and place elbows in a bent position directly under the shoulders
  • •Keep feet hip-width apart.
  • •Contract abs lifting back and hold the position for 30 seconds
  • •Repeat 10 times

7.Side Planks

  • •Lie down on the side and place the elbow in a bent position directly under the shoulder
  • •Clear hip off the ground by contracting muscles at the side of your trunk and hold the position for 60 seconds
  • •Come back to a neutral position and relax for 10 seconds
  • •Start with 3 reps and increase gradually

These are the seven best exercises that can be done at home by anyone, a thirty minutes effective workout program to get rid of those love handles.

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